This is blog is about my life so far. An interesting look at my childhood, to unbelievable relationships, drug use, sexual activity, and tragedy in my life. Enjoy the reading, it is interesting, I guarantee that!
BEAM ME UP SCOTTY's Articles In Welcome
October 7, 2006 by BEAM ME UP SCOTTY
Today is two days after my 37th birthday. Do I feel old? Do I feel older? Not really. As I ponder briefly over my 37 years of existence, I think, Wow, ive done, and been through some really interesting times in my life. So, ive decided to go back in time and record the excitement, disappointment, the relationships, and the loss ive encountered so far. What a ride it has been. From promiscuous activity, to drugs, affairs, and yes even being blessed with undeserving talents. You see, things ha...